The 500-Hours direct/on ground Massage Therapist Program is intended to prepare students for state certification and gainful employment as Massage Therapists upon graduation from the program. Graduates of the Massage Therapist Program will be prepared to launch their own private practice, and/or find employment in spas, health centers, chiropractic offices, fitness center, and any other environment in which massage and bodywork is deemed appropriate.
International Beauty College is currently approved by The California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) with School Number SCH0146-2

On September 2, 2022, the Governor signed AB 2687 into law. Among other things, this bill changes the Massage Therapy Act so that starting on January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2026, passage of a CAMTC approved exam will not be required for CAMTC Certification.